Contorno de Caraguatatuba Tunnels

Contorno de Caraguatatuba, currently in execution, makes part of the amplification and improving of Tamoios road. The projects are divided in 4 lots, Lot 1 – connects the mountains to Martim de Sá neighbourhood (T101 e T102 tunnels) – with 6,2km; Lot 2 - connects the mountains to Jaraguá neighborhood, in São Sebastião, Lot 3 (T301 e T302 /T401 tunnels) – stretch that connects Jaraguá to Morro do Abrigo neighborhood, in São Sebastião and Lot 4 (T402 tunnel) - stretch that connects Morro do Abrigo to Porto de São Sebastião. A total of 33,9km extended with five double tunnels, 44 bridges and viaducts. The biggest stretch is in Lot 1 and Lot 2, with 26km of extension and 7km of viaducts and tunnels. This construction will have the biggest tunnel of the country, with 3,6 km in São Sebastião stretch, overcoming today’s biggest tunnel, located in Imigrantes Road, with 3,3km long.

CJC developed the detailed and retaining projects in tunnels entrance in Contorno de Caraguatatuba – Tamoios Road, including consulting to the client during the execution.
