Florianópolis Tunnels

During the 50,08km of Florianópolis road, that reaches Governador Cleso Ramos, Biguaçu and Paçolha cities, the road will have a highway velocity (100 km/h). The road will have 50km of double-lane, six clover-leaf road junction, 22, 3 viaducts, 12 bridges and 6 tunnels.

CJC developed the project of 4 tunnels, which was the pair of tunnel 1 (with 980 of extension each one) and the pair of tunnel 4 (with 821,55m each). Both NATM projects includes, earthmoving, firefighting, installations, paving, retaining and tunnels entrances.

Source:http://ndonline.com.br/florianopolis/noticias/contorno-viario-de-florianopolis-tera-seis-intersecoes-durante-os-50-08-km ;
