Quilombo tunnel – Piaçaguera – Guarujá highway

Cônego Domênico Rangoni Road, also known as Piaçaguera-Guarujá, was built in 70 decade. It has 30km long, and has a tunnel called “Quilombo tunnel”, with approximately 1km long. This structure starts in Imigrantes Road and circumvents the Cubatão petrochemical complex, crossing COSIPA (USIMINAS), Braskem, unipar Carbocloro and other industries in Cubatão river valley.

CJC members developed the detailed and installation projects, author’s supervision in Quilombo tunnel in Cônego Domênico Rangoni Road (by F. Ferraz).

Source: https://pt.wikipedia.org/wiki/Rodovia_C%C3%B4nego_Domenico_Rangoni